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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Intermission - PayPerPost's new approach

PayPerPost, the online blog advertising company, has recently made some huge changes in their approach for both the advertisers and the bloggers who write the ads. They've called it segmentation, and though they are still working out some bugs, it's beginning to work pretty well. They are able now to offer bigger paying opps (that's "opportunities", to those of you who haven't begun this endeavor) to bloggers who have reached higher Page Ranks and lower Alexa ratings. This makes it more lucrative if you're looking for a way to make money blogging because those with better scores are able to take higher paying opps. Those with lower scores still have quite a few to choose from, but they don't pay as well. Hence, a very good reason to do what's needful to increase the rankings on your blog.

Also, advertisers can now more carefully sift out blogs with lower ranks or those whose blogs live on certain domains. Advertisers only pay a 35% service fee, while other places like ReviewMe charge a 100% mark-up for placing ads. It follows that because of these new rules and options, some advertisers can now offer opps of $1000 and know they are getting their money's worth as far as where the ad will live on the internet.

What's really great is that PayPerPost requires disclosure from all bloggers. That means you, the poster, are keeping it all above board because you reveal to your readers that you do write some paid posts.

If you're not already advertising on PayPerPost, take a look and see how much more control you now have. If you're a blogger, look them over as well. You may just find an ethical way to earn some additional income.

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