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Talkie Zoo

Movies, entertainment, music, television.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I'm sure it's become apparent by now that my taste in movies varies. The Matrix movies are also some of my favorites and I tend to watch all three of them when I do watch them. It just feels wrong, somehow, to only watch one and to get the whole story, the three are needed.

The Matrix stories revolve around a society turned upside down by AI, where humans become the power source and the computers are running the show. Neo, portrayed by Keanu Reaves, is the savior of the humans and his character grows in power through the three movies.

Not for children as these movies portray adult themes in sexual content, language, and violence. Still, in our own age of computers it gives you something to think about. What if computers really did take over? After all, we are building them to be faster, smarter, and more "human" all the time.

Watch these and learn why Neo is nicknamed "coppertop".



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